Eukaryotic Cell Organelles Project

v      Eukaryotic Cell Wiki Project 


Cell Organelle Wiki Guidelines



v      Each group will be assigned two organelles.

v      Each group will devise a unique group name. Email me that name.

v      Each group will create a Wiki describing and explaining cellular structure.

v      Each group will be required to answer several questions regarding prokaryotic and eukaryotic structure.  You will incorporate those answers into your Wiki page.

v      Grading will be based on answers to the questions, how your ideas are developed and clear explanations to the questions. You should include images, link video clips and any other imagery which will support and enhance your Wiki page.

v      The accompanying text needs to be coherent, concise and clear.

v      Remember to include a complete bibliography on your Wiki page.


v      Link your Wiki page(s) to this page.

v      Questions for the Wiki: (NOTE: The first four questions should be part of everyone's wiki page.)


Ø       Identify the major cell types with images and text. What is the limit of cell size (Why are cells so small?)

Ø       Is this organelle common to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? Where are they different?

Ø       What does this statement refer to “Eukaryotic cells are often referred to as highly compartmentalized.”?

Ø       Identify your organelle. Provide an image.


Ø       Describe the three functions of the cell membrane.

Ø       Describe the structure and functions of the cell wall.

Ø       Describe the structure and functions of the nucleus.

Ø       Describe the structure and functions of the central vacuole.

Ø       Distinguish between S-ER and R-ER in terms of structure and function.

Ø       Describe the structure, types and functions of each type of ribosomes.

Ø       Describe the functions and structure of lysosomes.

Ø       Describe the functions and structure of peroxisomes.

Ø       Describe the structure of mitochondria (including matrix, intermembrane space and Cristae). Discuss the importance of this organelle in cellular respiration and ATP synthesis.

Ø       Describe the structure of chloroplast (including stroma, grana, and thylakoid membrane). Discuss the importance of this organelle in photosynthesis and ATP synthesis.

Ø       Describe the functions and structure of the Golgi complex (apparatus)?

Ø       Describe the structure and functions of the cytoskeleton.

Ø       Compare cilia and flagella, and describe their functions.

Ø       Describe the structure and function of centriole. Discuss its role in mitosis.

Ø       Describe the structure and functions of the cell junctions.


Cell Organelle Wiki Pages are DUE: November 16, 2007 by 8:00 pm




team sMART                                          MLK


Team Spikefish                                     Steve's BK


MMAK                                                  W.A.L.L.  


Ducks Deluxe                                      VAAR